25 Do's and Don'ts For Cycle Touring in Tasmania With Kids


Do be aware that many caravan park receptions close at 5 or 6pm, not 8pm like The Mainland.

Don't ride past too many play grounds without stopping. You need to keep your littlest travellers happy.

Do remember to look tired (not difficult) and smile sweetly at the caravan park receptionist. They quite likely will give you a discount price.

Don't miss stopping at the ice cream shop when you've just ridden up a big hill. The $36 will be worth it.

Do take plenty of snacks with you on riding days. Hungry cyclists are unhappy cyclists.

Don't forget to sample every ice cream flavour available before making your final choice. You want to be sure you choose your favourite.

Do leave plenty of time for picking blackberries. Particularly in February. The state is covered in them.

Don't forget to roll up your food panniers properly before storing them in the vestibule of your tent. You don't want the possums to break in during the night and try to steal your food.


Do take plenty of snap lock bags. They will be useful for everything from butter to washing liquid, and mobile phone protection to accidents in undies. And blackberries, for later.

Don't forget to always zip up the screen on your tent. It would be most unfortunate for a white tail spider to creep into your sleeping bag and bite you on your ankle while you sleep.

Do be sure to check your shorts for scorpions if you happen to leave them overnight in the vestibule of your tent. That could turn nasty.

Do buy lunch at bakeries sometimes. Think of it as "petrol" money if you are having trouble getting out of motorist mode.

When visiting Sheffield, don't forget to go to the fudge shop. It might be expensive but it will be just what you need at the top of a long hill.

Do keep your camera handy at all times. You never know just when the scenery will turn from lovely to stunning and you'll want to take a picture as soon as possible.

Don't forget to swim at every opportunity. You never know when the nice warm weather will turn cold.


Park Playing

Don't leave your bike trailer open at night when camping in the bush. There will be possum poo inside in the morning.

Do allow the children to collect feathers. They are lighter and more packable than rocks.

Don't leave the five year old in the trailer with the two year old for too long. He will teach her all his worst words; "Bum head", "Butt head", "Stupidest", and so on.

Do stop by Port Sorell Lions Caravan Park. At $20 a night it's hard to beat. Kids stay free!

Do take notice of what the Asian kids are cooking for their dinners. They may inspire some new recipes.

Do give your left-overs from tea to some foreign fruit picker kids. It will make their day.

Don't listen to car drivers tell you about the hills. They rarely know what they're talking about, or they remember the road is more downhill than it actually is.

Do talk to other cyclists. They are very interesting and will tell you lots of helpful things.

Do keep in mind that all hills (eventually) will have a top. At some stage you will get to roll down the other side.

Do start up conversation with people at the playground. They might just invite you to stay a night at their house. And cook you an awesome tea!


Another Adventure Upon Us


The road once ridden, for the last time